
This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu at the top. Check your current version with the following command:

composer show lacodix/laravel-model-filter

Filter for Relations

You can create a simple Relation filter by extending the base SelectFilter. In the following example we create a Tag-Filter that can be applied to all models that have a tag relation.

Thanks to hfmiguel for this example.

class TagsFilter extends SelectInFilter
    public FilterMode $mode = FilterMode::EQUAL;

    protected string $field = 'tag_id';  /**  column of the relation */ 
    protected string $relation = 'tags';  /** relation name : where the search will be applied */

    public function title(): string
        return __('Tags');

    public function component(): string
        return 'select';

    public function options(): array
        return Tag::query()
            ->pluck('id', 'name')
    public function apply(Builder $query): Builder
        return $query->whereHas($this->relation, function (Builder $query) {
            $query->whereIn($this->field, $this->values);