
This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu at the top. Check your current version with the following command:

composer show lacodix/laravel-model-filter

Filter Modes

All filters have a mode for filtering, that can change the behaviour of the filter. The default mode of almost all filters is filtering for "equal" values. The default mode for a string filter is "like".

To change the mode of a filter, just insert the mode propety to the filter:


namespace App\Models\Filters;

use Lacodix\LaravelModelFilter\Enums\FilterMode;
use Lacodix\LaravelModelFilter\Filters\DateFilter;

class CreatedAfterFilter extends DateFilter
    public FilterMode $mode = FilterMode::GREATER_OR_EQUAL;

    protected string $field = 'created_at';

There are several filter modes available, but not all modes make sense with all filter types. You will find the usable modes for each filter type in the filter types section of this documentation

All available modes are:

  • FilterMode::EQUAL;
  • FilterMode::NOT_EQUAL;
  • FilterMode::GREATER;
  • FilterMode::LOWER;
  • FilterMode::GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
  • FilterMode::LOWER_OR_EQUAL;
  • FilterMode::LIKE;
  • FilterMode::STARTS_WITH;
  • FilterMode::ENDS_WITH;
  • FilterMode::BETWEEN;
  • FilterMode::NOT_BETWEEN;