
This is the documentation for v3. You can switch versions in the menu at the top. Check your current version with the following command:

composer show lacodix/laravel-model-filter

Prepopulation Trait

The Prepopulation trait extends the functionality of a SelectFilter. Like the EnumFilter that automatically offers all cases out of an PHP Enum, this Prepopulation trait automatically loads all select options out of the database.

Given you have a field of vendor names and the name is saved in a database field named 'vendor', and you need a filter that offers all existing vendors in a select box, you can just extend your SelectFilter with the Prepopulation trait.


namespace App\Models\Filters;

use Lacodix\LaravelModelFilter\Filters\SelectFilter;
use Lacodix\LaravelModelFilter\Filters\Traits\Prepopulation;

class PrepopulatedSelectFilter extends SelectFilter
    use Prepopulation;
    protected string $field = 'vendor';

If you need to map the values, maybe because of translations, you can just add the mapOption method.

protected function mapOption(string $option): string
    return __('translations.' . $option);