

Since this package doesn't care about billing, you might want to react on subscriptions and renewals. For this usecase this package fires events that you can listen for and react with e.g. creating an invoice.


This event is fired when a new subscription is created. But also when an existing subscriptions is changed and a new plan is subscribed in it.

The event contains the subscription and if available the old subscription model

public Subscription $subscription
public ?Subscription $oldSubscription

With the subscription you can access the subscriber and the plan, and you can access all relevant price and meta data to get needed information that is needed for billing.

The old subscription is only available if the subscription was already there, identified by the slug (defaults to 'default'). If it was updated, then $oldSubscription will contain the old data like ->plan and ->meta.


This event is fired when a plan is changed, e.g. when you change the price or the name or description. Sometimes you might react on it, maybe recalculations or inform users. It just contains the affected plan.

public Plan $plan


This event is fired when a subscription is renewed. It will contain the subscription via with you will be able to access the subscriber and the plan and all metadata that might be needed for billing.

public Subscription $subscription


This event is only fired if you configured the renewal aggregation config(plans.aggregate_renewals) and if you use the contained artisan command for automatic renewals. If this feature is enabled, the artisan command will aggregate all renewable subscriptions by subscriber, and finally fire this event (additionally to and after the base Event SubscriptionRenewed that is still fired for each subscription). This event contains all affected subscriptions of a subscriber.

public Collection $subscriptions